Агаев И.Б.
Понятие совокупности преступлений.
Law journal «Уголовное право».
Moscow, 2003, No. 3, pp. 4—7. 0,5 quires.
The paper describes the concept of cumulative crimes. It is noted that, while representing an integral part of the general theory of crime, the problems of crime cumulation, punishment and corpus delicti, have great practical importance for determining the grounds for responsibility and limits of imposing a punishment for the commitment of several crimes. It is reasoned that crime cumulation, its concept, classification and punishability have sufficiently old story in the criminal law theory and ultimately caused brisk discussions among jurists. Further, statements of some jurists on this matter are analyzed. In the conclusion, based on the considered provisions, the author expresses his opinion, according to which the crime cumulation shall be considered as committing by a person two or more dissimilar crimes before being convicted on them, if at least in one of two committed crimes there are no circumstances excluding penal consequences.