Агаев И.Б.
Совершение лицом двух или более преступлений как юридический признак рецидива преступлений.
Proceedings of the scientific conference of post-graduate students and young researchers.
Baku, 1999, pp. 49—51. 0,3 quires.
Article is devoted to one of legal signs of the recidivism of crimes — to committing by the person two or more crimes. It is noted that crime committed once again can be coinciding or not on form of guilt with the previously committed crime. Gravity or character of the committed crimes, the type and scope of punishment don’t have significance for the presence of recidivism. Gravity and character of the committed crimes define only the degree of the social danger of recidivism, but type and scope of punishment define the degree of social danger of recidivist’s personality, serve as a ground for differentiating groups of more and less dangerous recidivists. Further position that recidivism is formed regardless of the role of person in committing a crime and the stage, on which the criminal activity has completed, is reasoned.