Агаев И.Б.
Простой рецидив как разновидность рецидива преступлений.
Proceedings of IV Republican scientific conference of post-graduate students and young researchers.
Baku, 2000, pp. 20—24. 0,4 quires.
According to the author, simple recidivism is the least dangerous type of the crime recidivism. It is characterized by low degree of social danger and, therefore, combination of crimes entering the simple recidivism indicates less social danger of the person committed them. Further, objective and subjective circumstances of simple recidivism are analyzed. According to the author, objective circumstances consist in the fact that criminal activity in this case is represented by less dangerous deeds, which didn’t entail strict reaction from the State. And circumstances of simple crime recidivism consist in the fact that a person, who has committed crimes, doesn’t possess high degree of social danger. In turn, it indicates the absence or immaturity of antisocial views and tendencies, which are stable and deeply rooted in more dangerous categories of recidivists.