Агаев И.Б.
Проблемы борьбы с повторностью умышленных преступлений.
Reports of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Baku, 2003, No. 3–4, pp. 262—274. 1 quire.
The academic paper discloses the features of repeated intentional crimes. It is argued that the repeated commitment of intentional crimes shows greatest depravity of the perpetrator. The characteristics of the intentional crime repetition allow to reveal its material, political nature, give to this notion moral and political assessment, differentiate it both from other types of repeated crimes, and other varieties of crime multiplicity. According to the author, the contents of the repeated intentional crimes depend on the list of intentional crimes included into it and their characteristics. Finally, a list of legal signs of the specified type of crime repetition is proposed.