Агаев И.Б.
Задачи повышения эффективности борьбы с рецидивом преступлений.
Proceedings of the Pedagogical University. Humanities series.
Baku, 1998, No.1, pp. 209-212. 0,3 quires.
In the academic paper it is noted that at present stage of developing the sovereign State, reformation of economic, political and legal bases of the State is an objective need. The success in all these directions in many respects depends on efficiency of combating crimes and other offenses. And for this purpose, the creation of a reliable legislative basis is required. Touching on some issues of the legislative solution of questions of combating crime recidivism, the author notes that the current legislation contains only definition of especially dangerous recidivist and separate instructions on recidivism. Unfortunately, the law doesn’t know the general concepts of crime recidivism and recidivist. The author reasons provision, according to which the legislative definition of these concepts important, first of all, for development of the measures directed on increasing efficiency of combating crime recidivism, as well as for organizing the statistical account and analysis of such a criminal activity.