Aghayev I.B.
Prevention of encroachments on material and other benefits of consumers under Russian criminal legislation.
Law journal «Проблемы экономики и юридической практики».
Moscow, 2017, No. 5, pp. 172—179. 0,7 quires.
The paper deals with penal norms regulating the responsibility for violations of the rights of consumers. It is noted that compulsion to the conclusion of an agreement shall not be allowed, except for cases, when a duty to conclude is provided by law as an obligation. The transaction made under the influence of violence or threat may be recognized by a court as invalid. Further, it is reasoned that a citizen and legal entity, which have an exclusive right on a result of intellectual activity or on means for ascertainment, shall be authorized to use such a result or means discretionary. The use of results of intellectual activities or means for ascertainment without the owner’s consent is illegal. Later the author analyzes forms of violating the rules for the manufacture and use of State assay marks, illegal receipt and divulgation of information composing a commercial, tax or banking secret. In the conclusion, he deals with issues of criminal liability for the attraction of monetary resources of individuals in defiance of the requirements of legislation on participation in shared construction of apartment houses or other real estate properties.