Агаев И.Б.
Форма вины как критерий классификации повторности преступлений.
Law journal «Черные дыры в Российском законодательстве».
Moscow, 2009, No. 1, pp. 127—129. 0,5 quires.
The academic paper is devoted to the role of a guilt form in the classification of repeated crimes. The form of guilt is determined by the correlation of mental elements forming the contents of guilt, i.e. by differences in intensity and certainty of intellectual and volitional processes proceeding in an offender’s psyche. In the paper the concept of the form of guilt is revealed. The author considers obligatory the accounting the form of guilt in the classification of repeated crimes. He notes that such a classification is important for the assessment of social danger of the repetition in general, the imposition of punishment for the committed crimes, as well as also for the allocation of the criminals’ typology.