Aghayev I.B.
Confiscation of property under Russian criminal legislation.
Law journal «Пробелы в Российском законодательстве».
Moscow, 2016, No. 8, pp. 438—441. 0,3 quires.
Currently, the science of criminal law gives priority to development and fixing of non-custodial penalties in the legislation. Among such measures the special place belongs to the confiscation, which is considered as an effective mean directed to the prevention of economic crimes. Lack of confiscation impedes to deal with the effective system of combating crimes, especially such crimes as terrorism, organized crimes, mercenary or corruption crimes, crimes related to illegal traffic of drugs and psychotropic substances. For this reason, a number of international-legal acts devoted to combating such acts, consider the confiscation as one of the important elements in the system of preventive measures.