Агаев И.Б.
О видах рецидива преступлений.
Proceedings of the Scientific conference of post-graduate students and young researchers.
Baku, 1999, pp. 51—53. 0,2 quires.
In the paper some features of the types of crime recidivism are in brief mentioned. It is noted that the recidivism has three types: simple, dangerous and especially dangerous. Provision that the concepts of dangerous recidivism and especially dangerous recidivism are more capacious, comprehensive than simple recidivism is reasoned. It is noted that unlike simple recidivism, criminal activities of persons, whose deeds form dangerous or especially dangerous types of recidivism, is characterized by the fact that such persons commit crimes realizing the harm caused by their actions to certain socially important values, their harmfulness for the whole system of socially important values and interests. Thereafter, the types of recidivism on degree of social danger of crimes are analyzed. According to the author, such division has not only theoretical interest, but also a great practical value.