Агаев И.Б.
О понятии повторности преступлений.
Proceedings of the Kirov branch of the Moscow State Law Academy.
Kirov, 2003, No. 8, pp. 32—36. 0,4 quires.
The academic paper is devoted to one of the forms of crime multiplicity — crime repetition. It is noted that repetition of crimes is a most composite form of the multiplicity. For this reason, in the activities of law-enforcement bodies contradictions and disagreements, which lead to incorrect legal assessment of committed crimes entailing the imposition of inadequate punishment, take place. Mistakes are usually made when understanding the correlation between the repetition and recidivism, repetition and cumulative crimes. In this regard, the author considers that it is necessary to reveal the concept of crime repetition, find out its legal features and types. All these contribute to the purposeful fight against the persons, who systematically commit crimes directed against the same or similar socially important values or interests.