Aghayev I.B.
Subject of a crime and its obligatory features.
Law journal «Qanun».
Baku, 2015, No. 9, pp. 72—77. 0,5 quires.
The considered paper is devoted to subject of crime and its obligatory features. Author notes that the subject of crime is a person, who has committed a crime and is capable to bear criminal liability for it. By means of features of the subject, the legislator narrows the circle of people, who are able to bear criminal responsibility for a certain crime or a certain group of crimes, thereby, approves provision, that not any person can be considered as a subject of specific crime types. According to the author, a person shall be recognized as a crime subject, if he/she has committed the act, provided by the criminal law as a crime, he/she should be sane and has to reach the age fixed by the criminal law, from which criminal liability occurs.