Агаев И.Б.
Повторность неосторожных преступлений в системе множественности преступлений.
Herald of the Volga University named V.N.Tatishev. Series «Jurisprudence». Edition 13.
Togliatti, 2003, pp. 73—85. 1 quire.
In the paper the concept of the repetition of negligent crimes, its signs, forms of realization and other issues are revealed. According to the author, character and psychological nature of this criminal activity lies in the fact that the infliction of damage goes beyond the desired and isn’t covered by a perpetrator’s consciousness and directivity of his/her actions. While speaking of the degree of social danger of the repeated negligent crimes, we mean the degree of negative evaluation of the offender’s behavior in the repeated commitment of negligent crimes. Furthermore, it is noted that in the mentioned type of repetition the a between the negative aspects of positive social phenomena and commitment of several crimes is closer and direct.