Aghayev I.B.
Facultative signs of the crime objective aspect.
Reports of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Baku, 2015, No. 1–2, pp. 238—244. 0,6 quires.
The considered paper speaks on facultative signs of the crime objective aspect, the concept, classification and significance thereof. The author states that facultative signs of the objective aspect promote more exact definition of a specific deed, individualization of punishment. They help to differ crimes from other adjacent corpora delicti that contribute to the correct solution of issues on possibility of qualifying a deed by the rules of cumulative crimes. Furthermore, these signs shall be considered when imposition of punishment and deciding the issue of compensation for the inflicted damage. The role of facultative signs of the crime objective aspect is quite varied. In some cases, they change the nature of socially dangerous act, which lets the legislator basis for definition of distinct crime types distinguished according to the methods of their commitment.