Агаев И.Б.
Разнородность как обязательная предпосылка при определении совокупности преступлений.
Law journal «Qanun».
Baku, 2003, No. 9, pp. 62—67. 0,7 quires.
The paper is devoted to the definition of legal signs of cumulative crimes. It is noted that the cumulation shall be formed in case of committing only dissimilar crimes. Homogenous and identical crimes cannot form it, because qualification of crimes entering the cumulation is based on their heterogeneity. According to the author, determination of dissimilarity as an obligatory legal feature of crime cumulation alongside its other signs quite correspond to the essence and characteristic of the cumulation, and definition of this sign is more acceptable for all versions of the cumulation and doesn’t cause any difficulties in the application of the law. Further, other legal signs of cumulative crimes are considered.