Агаев И.Б.
О понятии идеальной совокупности преступлений.
«Society. Ideology. Thinking»: Collection of proceedings of the Institution of Philosophy and political-legal researches of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Baku, 2004, pp. 234—242. 0,8 quires.
In the paper the concept of ideal cumulative crimes is disclosed. It is noted that action, which occurs the ideal cumulation, causes a closer connection between the crimes included into ideal cumulation in comparison with the crimes forming the real cumulation. The author considers that most widespread are cases, when the ideal cumulation contains the crimes with a different form of guilt. It is about the combination of intentional and negligent crimes. In summary, the author comes to the conclusion that the ideal cumulation is not artificially created legal structure, and it reflects the specificity of reality, when as a result of a person’s single action two or more different crimes are committed, therefore, it shall reasonably be considered as a kind of crime multiplicity.