Aghayev I.B.
The concept and structure of the criminal statute of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Scientific and pedagogical news of Odlar Yurdu University. Humanities series. Edition 40.
Baku, 2014, pp. 73—79. 0,5 quires.
The considered academic paper speaks on the concept and structure of the criminal statute of the Azerbaijan Republic. Author states that while defining the criminality and punishability of deeds, the criminal statute represents a powerful tool for the protection of legal order, which is used by law-enforcement bodies against malicious violators of legality. Only the criminal statute, being a prohibitive legal act, under the threat of criminal punishment prevents some category of persons to commit socially dangerous illegal acts, which are considered criminal. Like other statutes, the criminal statute should reflect changes occurred in the life of society and State. It cannot lag behind growing public requirements, and at the same time should react to the occurred problems.