Агаев И.Б.
Вопросы рецидива преступлений в Уголовном кодексе Азербайджанской Республики.
Proceedings of the Pedagogical University. Humanities series.
Baku, 2002, No. 4, pp. 257—263. 0,5 quires.
The paper is devoted to penal regulation of crime recidivism in the criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic. It is noted that crime recidivism shall be characterized by higher social danger, which expresses such a quality of criminality as its stability, indicates the resistant unwillingness of a person to behave in accordance with the norms accepted by the society. Such persons prefer to solve their problems by criminal ways, in spite of measures applied to him/her. Thereafter, provisions of the norms on responsibility for the crime recidivism are considered, conclusions and suggestions for improvement of the criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic are made.