Aghayev I.B.
Criminal law of the Azerbaijan Republic: the essence, system, objectives, functions and principles.
Law journal «Beynəlxalq hüquq və inteqrasiya problemləri».
Baku, 2014, No. 3, pp. 271—278. 0,8 quires.
The considered academic paper speaks on the concept of criminal law of the Azerbaijan Republic. Subject and method of legal regulation, objectives, functions and all principles of criminal law are discussed in this paper. Author states that a principle of law is objective and subjective category. The objectivity of principles is expressed in the following: the main ideas containing therein reflect objective requirement in the fight against crime and must be personified in specific legal norms and in their realization in law-enforcement activity. Subjectivety of principles means that they involve a product of conscious human activity. The principles are formulated by people on the basis of their objective regularities. Then they are perceived by social consciousness as moral postulates and included as a component part into the legal ideology.