Professor, Doctor of Law

I sfandiyar Aghayev - Professor, Doctor of law, author of 17 books in the field of Criminal law, International criminal law and Penitentiary law totaling 6661 pages and more than 100 scientific articles. He was born in Baku in 1973 in the family of Professor Bahlul Aghayev. After leaving the secondary school with a gold medal in 1990, Aghayev entered the faculty of «International law and international relations» of the Baku State University and graduated from it in 1995 with diploma of honors. In 1996, Isfandiyar Aghayev worked in the «Department of International relations» of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Azerbaijan Republic, in 1996-2000 was a post graduate student at the «Criminal Law Department» of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. In 1998-2000, he held a post of Senior Consultant in the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic.

In 2000, Isfandiyar Aghayev successfully defended his thesis on «Problems of Improving Penal Norms on the Responsibility for Recidivism of Crimes» in the Moscow State Law Academy, and thereafter began his teaching activity in the «Department of Criminal Law» of the Baku State University. At present, he holds courses on «The General part of Criminal law of the Azerbaijan Republic», «The Special part of Criminal law of the Azerbaijan Republic» and «Penal execution law of the Azerbaijan Republic» in the Law Faculty of the Baku State University and delivers lectures on «Russian Criminal law» and «Russian Penitentiary law» within the curricula «Comparative Criminal law of foreign countries» and «Comparative Penitentiary law of foreign countries» in law faculties of European universities. Isfandiyar Aghayev many a time sent his proposals on various problems of criminal law to the supreme legislative bodies of Azerbaijan and Russia. According to his suggestion, the concepts of «crime recidivism» (simple recidivism) and «dangerous crime recidivism» were included into the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. Furthermore, on the basis of Aghayev’s proposals, fifty three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation were amended. Namely, amendments were made to the following articles of the Russian Criminal Code: 63.1.“a”; 146.2; 147.2; 151.3; 158.2 “б”; 159.2; 160.2; 162.2; 165.2; 174.2; 178.2; 181.2; 184.2; 187.2; 194.2; 199.2; 202.2; 204.2; 204.4; 205.2; 222.2; 223.2; 227.2; 234.2; 245.2; 260.2; 291.2; 323.2; 326.2; 327.2. In accordance with the proposals of Isfandiyar Aghayev, the following norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation were abolished: 105.2. “н”; 111.3. “в”; 112.3. “ж”; 126.2. “б”; 127.2. “б”; 131.2. ”a”; 132.2. “a”; 161.2. “б”; 163.2. “б”; 164.2. “б”; 166.2. “б”; 179.2. “a”; 188.3. “a”; 206.2. “б”; 211.2. “б”; 221.2. “б”; 226.3. “б”; 228.3.; 229.2. “б”; 230.2. “б”; 231.2. “б”; 290.4. “б”; 335.2. “б”.

On January 27, 2004, doctoral thesis prepared in Russian by Isfandiyar Aghayev on «Problems of multiplicity of crimes in the criminal legislations of the Russian Federation and the Azerbaijan Republic» was discussed at joint meeting of the departments «Criminal Law and Criminology» and «Criminal Procedure», thereafter was analyzed in the Experts Commission of the Higher Attestation Commission and, based on the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, was permitted to public defense. In 2015, new English version of Aghayev’s doctoral thesis has been attracted attention of scientists in Germany and was presented to the Leipzig University. In 2016, the doctoral thesis was approved by this University and published by its publishing house.

Isfandiyar Aghayev made important contributions both to the juridical science of Azerbaijan and Russia, and to world jurisprudence as a whole. Such important textbooks as «Azərbaycan Respublikasının Cəza-icra huququ. Umumi hissə», «Azərbaycan Respublikasının Cəza-icra huququ. Xususi hissə», «Azərbaycan Respublikasının Cinayət huququ. Umumi və Xususi hissələr», «Уголовное право Азербайджанской Республики. Общая и Особенная части» and «Уголовно-исполнительное право Азербайджанской Республики» for the first time in the history of Azerbaijanian legal sciences were written just by him.

Aghayev’s most important contribution to the legal science of Azerbaijan is the book entitled «Criminal law. The General part», which was approved by the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic as a textbook, thereafter was published in the Leipzig University Press and presented in international conference held in London. Being the first book in the history of legal sciences of Azerbaijan published in university presses of Europe, this work promoted the criminal legislation of Azerbaijan throughout the world science.

Isfandiyar Agayev is a scientist, who was the first to bring the Russian legal branch to the international scale. So, his book entitled «Russian Criminal law» of 875 pages, published in the Leipzig University Press in 2017, earned its place in history as the first book, which includes comprehensive interpretation of the Russian legal science at the international level. Currently, this book is recommended as a textbook in European universities. In 2018, Publishing house of the Leipzig University published the next book by Isfandiyar Agayev entitled «Russian Penitentiary Law».This is the first book in history that completely highlighted the Russian penal-execution law at the international level. The book «Russian Penitentiary Law» is also used as a textbook at universities in Europe.

The scientific works of Isfandiyar Agayev are recommended by Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law.

In 2019, by decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Isfandiyar Aghayev was awarded the «Tereggi» medal (Medal of Progress) due to his special achievements in the development of education and science in Azerbaijan.

In 2019, by order of the Minister of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic, Isfandiyar Aghayev was awarded the jubilee medal of the Azerbaijan Republic «100th anniversary of the Baku State University (1919-2019)» for his high scores attainted in science and education, distinctive contribution to the development of these areas, as well as for his active participation in the socio-cultural development of the University.

Isfandiyar Aghayev is aware of the responsibilities entrusted to him. He has been in military service, graduated officers school and he is a reserve officer.

Isfandiyar Aghayev is married and has three children.