Агаев И.Б.
Назначение наказания при множественности преступлений, не связанной с предшествующим осуждением виновного.
Law journal «Черные дыры в Российском законодательстве».
Moscow, 2004, No. 1, pp. 82—91. 1,5 quires.
In the paper the problems arising in case of imposing a punishment for crime multiplicity not involving a perpetrator’s previous conviction, i.e. for repeated crimes and crime cumulation are considered. It is noted that this problem has a special place in the number of actual problems both in the theory of criminal law, and judicial practice. It is conditioned by the requirement of improving the efficiency of punishment for such criminal activity. The author reasons that social danger of such cases is determined by the number of crimes committed by perpetrators and social danger of each crime. According to the author, criminal activity of persons, who have committed several crimes and haven’t been subjected to conviction for any of them, speaks of ability of such persons to mask from revelation. This, therefore, indicates a high social danger of their personality, as well as acts, committed by them and requires the establishment of specific order for imposition of punishment for such a criminal activity.