Агаев И.Б.
О случаях совершения лицом нескольких преступлений.
«Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanians». Journal of the Presidium of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Baku, 2004, pp. 105—123. 2 quires.
In the academic paper the features of cases of committing several crimes by a person, i.e. multiplicity of crimes are analyzed. It is noted that, while testifying to antisocial orientation of perpetrator’s personality, the commitment of several crimes causes great moral, physical or material harm both to definite citizens, and to the State as a whole. In case of multiple criminal activity, a person gets stable negative relation to the law-protected interests. It has bad influence on morally unstable persons, generates illusions about possible impunity of the crime commitment and represents the main condition for growth of professional criminality. The author considers crime multiplicity as commitment of two or more crimes by the person, for neither of which he/she has been convicted and none of which have circumstances excluding penal consequences.