Aghayev I.B.
Crimes encroaching on the authority of government and inviolability of the State Border of the Russian Federation.
Law journal «Пробелы в Российском законодательстве».
Moscow, 2017, No. 1, pp. 252—259. 0,7 quires.
In the paper it is noted that the crimes encroaching on the authority of government and inviolability of the State Border of the Russian Federation is a crime group entering the system of crimes against the procedure of governance. Crimes against the procedure of governance involve deeds counteracting administrative activities of State authorities and local self-governments, as well as normal functioning thereof, which lead often to the violation of citizens’ rights. The legislator establishes severe penalties for the encroachments on the procedure of governance, and thereby seeks to ensure the most favorable conditions for normal realization of power relations between administering (officials, administrative bodies) and administered (citizens and organizations) subjects. Further, the author considers the infringements of the State border of the Russian Federation, which is a line and vertical surface passing through this line that determines a spatial limit of the operation of the State sovereignty of the Russian Federation.