Агаев И.Б.
Некоторые вопросы наказуемости рецидивистов.
Proceedings of IV Republican scientific conference of post-graduate students and young researchers.
Baku, 2000, pp. 24—28. 0,4 quires.
In the paper some questions of the punishability of recidivists are in brief raised. It is noted that a criminal penalty shall be an important means in combating crime recidivism. While imposing a punishment, court has to distinguish recidivists from ordinary criminals. A position that a punishment applied to recidivists has to be expedient, effective and proportional is reasoned. The sentence imposed correctly to a recidivist promotes his/her fastest correction, prevents not only the commitment of new crimes by him/her, but also impedes the crime recidivism in general. According to the author, criminal activities of the recidivists shall be based in the hope of impunity, because they are convicted not for one, but for two and more crimes and, therefore, the imposition of punishment concerning them has some peculiarities.