Агаев И.Б.
Проблема рецидива и совершенствование уголовного законодательства Азербайджанской Республики.
Proceedings of Republican scientific conference dedicated to 80th anniversary of Azerbaijan Statehood.
Baku, 1999, pp. 7 – 9. 0,3 quires.
The author suggests to include into the criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic the concepts of «simple recidivism» and «dangerous recidivism». Further, he reasons that if the criminal law contains the concepts of «simple recidivism», «dangerous recidivism» and «especially dangerous recidivism», classification of the crime recidivism will become more logically complete and definitely understood. According to the author, inclusion of these concepts into the statute is equitable to the interests for the individualization of liability of recidivists and it will promote the prevention of especially dangerous recidivism. Concerning the simple and dangerous recidivists, less severe sanctions than those concerning especially dangerous recidivists, but surely more severe with regard to other criminals should be determined.