Аğayev İ.B.
Cinayətlərin residivinin hüquqi əlamətləri.
Law journal «Hüquqi dövlət və qanun».
Baku, 1999, No. 10, pp. 44—50. 1,5 quires.
The academic paper is devoted to legal signs of crime recidivism. The author notes that designing the penal concept of the recidivism assumes, first of all, the analysis of signs inherent in it. Signs of crime recidivism are based on the signs of multiple crimes. Therefore, the author suggests to divide these signs of the recidivism into two groups: signs related to the multiplicity of crimes in general and specific signs of crime recidivism. As specific signs of the recidivism the author considers the sequence of several committed crimes including into recidivism, having a conviction for the previously committed crime, complete or partial serving a punishment term imposed by the court for the previously committed crime. Further the author in detail analyzes the specific signs of the crime recidivism.