Агаев И.Б.
Обстоятельства, исключающие рецидив преступлений.
Proceedings of the Pedagogical University. Humanities series.
Baku, 2004, No. 2, pp. 115—122. 0,5 quires.
In the paper the circumstances excluding crime recidivism are investigated. The author believes as such the expiration of limitation periods, redemption of conviction, removal of conviction, enactment of a law excluding criminality and punishability of an act, change in a situation. It is noted that these circumstances testify to loss of a person’s such characteristic as social danger, which was found earlier when committing the crime. According to the author, definition of the circumstances excluding crime recidivism has great theoretical and practical value for the solution of the recidivism problem. These circumstances legally liquidate the fact of committing a crime by a person.