Агаев И.Б.
Уголовно-правовая борьба с рецидивом преступлений.
Proceedings of V Republican scientific conference of post-graduate students and young researchers.
Baku, 1999, pp. 16—18. 0,3 quires.
In the paper the features of penal fight against recidivism of crimes are revealed. It is reasoned that the existing criminal legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, especially in the sphere of combating crime recidivism, is impregnated with ideas and principles of past times, and therefore, doesn’t respond to today’s requirements of combating crime. According to the author, crime recidivism represents the higher social danger to the society, because persons found guilty in recidivism, while relying on their former experience, act more skillfully and resolutely, cause extensive damage to the objects protected by the law. So, the concept of recidivism shall be based on its target purposes. It would give chance to allocate malicious criminals, to whom the strengthened measures should be applied in order to achieve the objectives of punishment.