Агаев И.Б.
Юридические признаки реальной совокупности преступлений.
Herald of the Baku State University. Series of social and political sciences.
Baku, 2003, No. 3–4, pp. 53—66. 1 quire.
In the academic paper it is established that real cumulation of crimes as a kind of crime multiplicity shall be characterized by all its signs. It has a certain similarity also to ideal cumulation, and to other kinds of multiple crimes. Nevertheless, real cumulation differs from these versions by its specific features, each of which demands a special consideration. It is noted that the real crime cumulation is a simpler, but the most widespread type of cumulative crimes. Each crime entering it shall be formed by separate action of a perpetrator, i.e. a guilty person by various actions, in different times shall commit two or more independent crimes. The author in detail analyzes all signs of real cumulative crimes.