Агаев И.Б.
Основания классификации совокупности преступлений.
Institution of Philosophy and political-legal researches of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic. Social and political problems. Edition 11.
Baku, 2004, pp. 73—80. 0,5 quires.
Cumulation of crimes is one of the most important and complex problems of criminal law. In the paper it is noted that the cumulation is a continuous accumulation of random combinations of various crimes. Consequently, crimes forming the cumulation can occur in different forms of criminal activity. It leads to the necessity of their classification, which allows better orientation in a variety of the cumulation. It is reasoned that types of cumulative of crimes are characterized by different cases of committing by a person at least two or more dissimilar crimes. In addition, it is noted that, even differing by features of the objective and subjective nature, they have many common features.