Агаев И.Б.
Признаки идеальной совокупности преступлений.
Institution of Philosophy and political-legal researches of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic. Social and political problems. Edition 11.
Baku, 2004. pp. 35-43. 0,7 quires.
At the beginning of the paper it is noted that the correct interpretation of the ideal cumulation requires the determination of legal features of the mentioned notion. It is reasoned that the system of legal features of the ideal cumulation shall be based on legal signs of the crime multiplicity and crime cumulation. Proceeding from it, the author suggests to divide legal signs of the ideal cumulation into three groups: signs related to the crime multiplicity in general, signs concerned to all types of crime cumulation and specific signs of ideal cumulation. Then all signs of ideal cumulative crimes analyzed in detail by the author.