Агаев И.Б.
О понятии множественности преступлений.
«Philosophy. Society. Culture»: Collection of proceedings of the Institution of Philosophy and political-legal researches of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic. Edition 37.
Baku, 2004, pp. 234—242. 0,7 quires.
In the paper the concept of crime multiplicity is revealed. It is noted that the main thing in the multiplicity is not just a number of acts, but the number of corpora delicti. Any behavioral act of a perpetrator of the crime multiplicity keeps penal significance. This means that for each committed act may be imposed a criminal penalty. Multiplicity of crimes is defined by the author as committing by a person two or more crimes containing signs of separate corpus delicti, regardless of the fact whether or not the person is brought to criminal liability for the committed crimes, if at least two of the committed crimes don’t include circumstances excluding penal consequences, or there are no procedural obstacles to the criminal prosecution.