Агаев И.Б.
Уяснение сущности преступления – важнейший фактор при определении понятия и форм множественности преступлений.
Reports of the Science Academy of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Baku, 2003, No. 1–2, pp. 256—264. 0,8 quires.
At the beginning of the paper it is noted, that the crime multiplicity represents a combination of several offenses provided by the criminal law in a behavior of the same person. Each act entering the multiplicity obligatorily has to represent an independent corpus delicti and to keep penal importance. Further, it is reasoned that the implementation of the task of correct defining the concept and forms of crime multiplicity assumes both explanation of the concept of multiplicity, its signs, features, and explanation of the essence of crime. Legal assessment of the committed act as a crime is the major stage in the activities of bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, prosecution and court.