Aghayev I.B.
Matter of crime and victim of crime.
Proceedings of II International conference «The actual problems of lawful State building in Azerbaijan: philosophy, sociology and juridical analysis, prognostication».
Baku, 2014, pp. 327—330. 0,5 quires.
The considered paper speaks on the facultative signs of crime object, i.e. on matter of crime and victim of crime. The author states that they shall be specified not in corpora delicti of all crimes, but only in some of them. The matter of crime assumes animate or inanimate things of external world, due to which a crime is committed and which is directly encroached by the offender. Victim of crime is a natural person, by encroachment on which a crime object is harmed. It is reasoned that the victim of crime in criminal law and criminal procedural meanings are not equivalent concepts. Further, it is discussed that personal characteristics of the crime victim are important for the decision of grounds for criminal liability, differentiation of crimes from each other, as well as for crime qualification, construction of corpora delicti with mitigating and aggravating circumstances, imposition of punishment.