Агаев И.Б.
Проблемы регулирования уголовной ответственности за преступления, совершенные в виде промысла.
Law journal «Черные дыры в Российском законодательстве».
Moscow, 2003, No. 2, pp. 373—376. 0,6 quires.
In the paper features of the crimes committed on a commercial basis are revealed. The author notes that such a criminal activity represents higher social danger and, therefore, while reflecting a real criminogenic situation in the State, the criminal legislation has to consider this sphere of activity more strictly punishable. It is reasoned that a person, who systematically commits crimes on a commercial basis, refuses law-abiding behavior and acquires new form of behavior which is specific for anti-social groups, leads an anti-social way of life and produces long-term damages on the State or personal property.