Aghayev I.B.
Motive and purpose of a crime.
Law journal «Qanun».
Baku, 2015, No. 8, pp. 81—86. 0,5 quires.
In the academic paper it is established that motive of a crime involves an internal inducements conditioned by certain needs and interests of person, which provoke him/her to commit a crime. The purpose of crime is a mental representation, model of future result, for achievement of which a person commits a specific crime. As an independent signs of the subjective aspect, the motive and purpose of crime take place only in intentional crimes. In case of negligent guilt, a person doesn’t have intent to commit a crime, and his/her actions aren’t directed to causing socially dangerous consequences. In this case it is desirable to speak of motives and purposes of behavior, which has led to the occurrence of harmful consequences. There is no internal relation between motive (purpose) of behavior and the occurred socially dangerous consequence.