Aghayev I.B.
The general concept of corpus delicti.
Law journal «Qanun».
Baku, 2015, No. 3, pp. 91—99. 0,8 quires.
In the paper the general concept of corpus delicti is investigated. Features and grounds for the classification of corpus delicti are discussed. The author notes that the most essential sign of the studied object should be put on the basis of classification. Classification represents sustainable system of distributing subjects according to the categories applied for a long time, and also sequential placement of the concepts from the highest class to the lowest in form of extensive system. Degree of the perfection of classification is an indicator of depth and versatility of the knowledge achieved in this science. For the theory of criminal law and judicial practice it’s important to classify corpus delicti according to the degree of social danger of crimes and structure of corpora derelict.