Агаев И.Б.
О рецидиве в уголовном праве.
Proceedings of the scientific conference of post-graduate students and young researchers.
Baku, 1998, pp. 102 – 106. 0,3 quires.
In the paper some questions of the crime recidivism are in brief investigated. It is noted that the recidivism shall be allocated from a number of criminal actions, which consist not only of several episodes, but also are separated from each other by time intervals. It is reasoned that an individual basis is necessary for the existence of recidivism, i.e. court, while resolving an issue of recognizing a person as recidivist has to consider the perpetrator’s personality, degree of social danger of the committed crimes, their motives, extent of realizing the criminal intents, degree and nature of a perpetrator’s participation in the crime commitment and other case facts. Thereafter, the author analyzes some features of the crime recidivism.