Aghayev I.B.
Fighting bribery in the Azerbaijan Republic.
Law-economic journal «Financial Regulation International».
London, 2015, September, pp. 3–17. 1 quire.
This paper analyses bribery in the context of legislation in the Azerbaijan Republic, however the concept in principle can be applied to any state that complies with international legislation related to bribery and corruption. The paper provides definitions of key terms, i.e. bribe-taking (passive bribery), bribe-giving (active bribery), exertion of improper influence on the decision-making of public officials (trading in influence); describes subjects, objects, subjective aspects of bribery and forms and types of this offence; analyses the qualifying criteria constituting crime; as well as compares local legislation with international law, particularly the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption by the Council of Europe. The author analyses bribery from a number of angles providing the reader with an all-round view of the various aspects this crime. The paper will be of interest to both academics and law practitioners, as well as public officials from governmental and local authorities, business owners and managers of the organisations willing to understand and anticipate bribery related activities.